Friday 26 April 2013

Traffic and Mussolini

Just a quick Update on my Dia. So i was going to study and be productive when my mom is like get I'm going to dz to get a cover for my phone.. And I think oh I need that too and one for my new iPad (btw that happened what!?!?!!!!!) so I'm like how long can it take! 4 fucking hours and then i managed to get 20 minutes of frustrating integration into my system and then I had to go to the airport so I could take the car home after my mom left to Innsbruck. So there I was in the tiny tin can in the middle of traffic with steaming cars around me and I know no work is getting done -.- so now I am reading about the joke that is Italian dictatorship and wishing I could just wake up again at 9 today and redo it all a oh well it's all over soon and then I can go fall into bed and think never again! Except not.
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