Thursday 28 April 2011

just a check up on life:

Love life: zero
Level of self conciousness: High but in progress
Jealouse: unchanged (high)
Social life: kinda lacking
Amount of alcohol consumed this week: nada
Time online: constantly
Studies: N/A
Health: sick.
friend contact: Call only
Sunlight: present but avoided
Number of free days left: 3
So how am I? 
Splendid, isn't it obvious.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Stop Talking

Can't you see that I don't want you!?
You can't just go up and kiss me like that
I don't want you to talk to me as if everything is the same!

Sunday 3 April 2011


I'm not the sort of person..
Who falls..
In and quickly out of love..

But to you I gave my affection..
Right from the start..

And If i have a lover..
Who loves me..
How could I break such a heart..
Yet you still get my attention..
right from the start...

Why do you come here..
When you know I've got troubles enough..

Why do you call me..
When you know I can't answer the phone..

You make me lie..
When I don't want to..
And make someone else..
Some kind of unknowing fool..
You make me stay
When I should not..
Are you so strong..
Or it's the weakness in me..

Why do you come here..
And pretend to be just passing by..
When I need to see you..
And I need to hold you..

Feeling guilty...worried..
Waking from tormented sleep..
This old love has me bound..
But the new love cuts deep..

If I choose now..
I'll lose out..
'Coz one of us has to fall..
I need you..
And u...alone

Why do you come here..
When you know I've got troubles enough

Why do you call me
When you know i cant answer the phone

Make me lie when i don't want to
And make someone else some kind of unknowing fool

You make me stay when i should not
Are you so strong or it's the weakness in me

Why do you come here and pretend to be just passing by
When i need to see you
And i need to hold you...
