Tuesday 21 June 2011

Hate doesn't even cover it

I hate my body

I hate my muscel
I hate my big arms
I hate my thin nails
I hate my short chubby fingers
I hate my curled big toe
I hate my square and high feet
I hate my soccerplayer calfs
I hate my big ass
I hate my flabby belly
I hate my big bone structure
I hate my flat nipples
I hate the spot on my nose
I hate the bags under my eyes
I hate my big earlobes
I hate my redness
I hate that I sweat so much
I hate my square and chubby face
I hate my forehead
I hate my skin
I hate my frizzy hair
I hate my fat wrists
I hate my pale skin
I hate my red eyes
I hate my voice
I hate the big molds on my back
I hate that I can't wear open shoes
I hate that I can't wear pants because my ass looks fat
I hate that I can't wear skirts because my thighs get sweaty and burn
I hate that I can't wear tank tops
I hate that I can't wear long sleeves because I sweat
I hate that I am short

I hate that I hate my self
that I never look into the mirror and am proud of the way I look
and I hate that I give up with out ever trying to make a change
because I am too scared to fail again.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Looking around my room and my life in general I realize something.

I am a quitter
I never finish what I start
and no matter how hard I try
I just end up procrastinating

This is not a good habit

This is going to be my first Summer resolution.