Monday 15 August 2011

hard work

I wish someone would have warned me that I could be so stupid. And that right from the start.
I could have skipped all this bullshit, things would have been so much calmer, I could have concentrated on school, finally decide who of the TWO i like.

But no. Obviously, being me, i couldn't I had to bring a third person into all my troubles.

Now that I thought that things were finally over, and that yes okay it would be sad that we wouldn't talk anymore, he has to call me and make me repeat everything again??

Apperently I wasn't "clear" enough the first time round.
And he thought that I was unsure and could still like him.
yeah right.

So basically I had to explain it again, which means now it is back in head and now i have to deal with it again.....fml.

But i really hope that he gets it now, and I think he does. No idea if this friends thing is ever going to work. but we will find out on tuesday.

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