Friday 5 August 2011

pirates, cameras and medicine

future. who doesn't think of it? Personally I think of it all the time.
My friends know that I have no idea right now i am even starting to lose interest in film. but that is probably due to the fact that wor is boring me to death. Not even a tarantino look-a-like can amuse me. How ever the long wave of black hair, which the cinematographer throws over his shoulder so elegantly, did manage to put a smile on my face. And together with the gossiping make up artists, who are making fun of a model, who has the figure and looks of aylin (so stick like), I can say that today has ended up being a little more successful (entertainment). 

However I still have nothing to do, which is the reason I am sitting next to the food (cruel, when you are trying to eat less), and typing this on my midget moblie keyboard. 

Back to my original point, I can't stop thinking about my future. Probaby because now that I have stepped into the business world, my family thinks this is the perfect oportunity to influence me with "advice", aka brainwash me into their opinion. my grandmother is trying to get me back to medicine with all measures.
My dad just gave me along talk in the car that I could do pharmacy, which I'll be honest with you, doesn't sound too bad. However I know that the reason he said that was because I he wants to make my grandma happy.

So pharmacy:
1. money
2. safe (people come to you)
3. research
4. it would work with my chemistry high level
5. my idea is to mix western pharmacy with exotic drugs.
6. there are lots of different areas of experties.


well am I that interested in this science? I mean look at my last chem test! that didn't go as expected.
Is it going to be too much of a rutine?
(to that my dad said if i want something exciting I should do medicine -.-)
well and just generaly I don't want to do anything boring.

So yeah I guess I will go back to the pirate with the camera and watch some pretty people act like it is christmas in August.

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