Tuesday 8 November 2011

A funny story in the void

So I guess I could tell you of how useless I am right now, but you know I would rather like to tell you one of my inside jokes. Well it's probably more of a funny thought. So today my mum met my chemistry teacher. His name- Mr. Jones. So my mum introduces herself:

Mum: Hello Elisabeth ****
Mr Jones: **** Jones

What's with the stars? I don't want to post peoples whole names on here okay!
Well so when he introduced himself I was like


Well he didn't he didn't even say Henry, which would have been awesome too (watch Indiana Jones if you don't know what I'm talking about)

Not funny? Well it was one amusing thing for me so yeah go read your own Blog if you don't get my head!

So that's it folks, today was a lot better than yesterday just btw.
ps didn't have a gif on here for a while:

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