Saturday 28 May 2011

blah blah blah blah... still horny

So I went on a tennis trip this week, four days in den Haag. It was a really amazing trip even though we lost everything :)
I did however play an excellent game today to end the tournament:
I was playing for 7 or 8 place ( I know fail) against a girl I already beat the day before.
However I played so badly! We play to 9 games, and I was behind 3 to 8.
I had already given up, but by some sort of miracle, I managed to pull myself together and I WON!! I still can't believe it!! I caught up 5 games!!! and tie brake!

But this is not the point I am trying to bring across here. I am still incurably horny! I really am, as soon as I feel that I am the slightest bit attracted to a guy I feel the need to jump him! However my flirting skills have improved a big deal, and oh god I had so much contact with Patrick, also I realized he is super short! But that doesn't matter because he is HOT!! And I should know, after my game today, he congratulated me, and I tried really hard to avoid his hug, but he held me anyway and my face was right on his arm... and OMFG!!

Yes well sorry small spas right there

So it was quite embarrassing, cause  I was dropping of sweat... you can imagine.

So yes small insight on my horniness, once again.

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