Wednesday 11 January 2012


I like school, I generally love learning, it is what keeps life interesting. The only reason why this palace of knowledge is often the source of my head aches and breakdowns is usually due to my interests not quite agreeing with what my subjects would like them to. When I am confronted with something new, I need time to digest it, time to let my interest grow inside me, till it bursts and the obsession begins. I want to become so interested in a topic that I go on hyper speed rants about it to my friends, who just shake their heads at my enthusiasm. I want to learn something that is new, maybe so new that it isn't even in real use yet.

It's nothing new that I love everything to do with the future, innovations and inventions make me jump around like a little kid. I love the fact that we live in the future that people thought impossible 30 years ago. Look at us:
 - Children know how to use technology, that people used to be payed to do.
- We are so dependent on the internet that if it broke down tomorrow we would all suffer of extreme withdrawl symptoms.
- We have flat screens
- Wireless (!!) anything
- touch screen phones
- 3D television
-anything digital!!!

And these are only somethings, concerning technology

This is the stuff I care about. I want to know how, despite all our idiotic mistakes in the past, humanity does produce awesomeness.

I want to read about aliens, I want to talk to people about tardigrades ( tiny animals that can survive in the vacuum of space and other uninhabitable environments.), I want to talk to people who share my (very naive) vision of a world that creates with out the need for capitalism or communism. But purely for the invention and to bring humans another step forward.


And once again this entry ended completely different to how it was meant to go.

I am already excited about what I will see when I wake up 30 years from now.

dftba <3<3

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