Sunday 27 February 2011

Fuck You All

When you stagger between two guys, one that you just can't get over no matter how much he looks past you or if he talks to all the other girls including your friends, and the other, who has always been nice and funny to you. Gives you signs and then just ignores you or doesn't respond to you.
It's really hard to think straight and follow your goals when your heart keeps alternating between two real ass-holes.

And it's even harder when your friends don't talk to you and have more contact to those guys than you do. It makes you feel completely unimportant and failed.

It is incredible how lonely you can feel when there are so many people around you. And how quickly your mood can change to absolute unhappiness after you come home relaxed and joyful.

Maybe I should just forget about people all together and concentrate on myself for once. No matter how lonely it might get.

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