Thursday 1 August 2013


People love beautiful things. They surround themselves with purity and perfection. However they themselves are nothing but ugly. Not ugly in the sense of worthless. But ugly in the sense of normal..average. Beauty is fake. Reality...nature is not always beautiful. We are not beautiful.
I think that we try to hide our fear of being nothing behind a glossy shell, a wall of being perfect and fitting into the idea of beauty with its rule and frames... The ones we have set up for ourselves. Nature isn't perfect and yet that is exactly what makes it so beautiful.... So why can't people see that normal is pretty?

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Wednesday 31 July 2013


I know that I am not the most experienced in this field but somehow when I read or think about kissing it always seems to be more romantic and definitely not as soft and wet as it is in reality! Just a quick thought.... I still love kissing though :)
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Friday 26 April 2013

Traffic and Mussolini

Just a quick Update on my Dia. So i was going to study and be productive when my mom is like get I'm going to dz to get a cover for my phone.. And I think oh I need that too and one for my new iPad (btw that happened what!?!?!!!!!) so I'm like how long can it take! 4 fucking hours and then i managed to get 20 minutes of frustrating integration into my system and then I had to go to the airport so I could take the car home after my mom left to Innsbruck. So there I was in the tiny tin can in the middle of traffic with steaming cars around me and I know no work is getting done -.- so now I am reading about the joke that is Italian dictatorship and wishing I could just wake up again at 9 today and redo it all a oh well it's all over soon and then I can go fall into bed and think never again! Except not.
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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Geometry or How peripheral vision can fool you

So I had my math course these past days.
On the first day I come in and stand in the elevator with this very movie star kind of scruffy attractive guy. Figures we are going to the same place.
We go into the room.
I sit down on the third row next to a girl and he sits down in front of me next to another girl.
Being me I never really go further in my thoughts than those .00000003 mili seconds it takes my brain to form a brief fantasy of impossibilities. Because why bother?
And hey I was right.
Because this girl was skinny, very pretty and well from talking to her a bit and walking to the Ubahn with her later, relatively nice and sweet and cheeky and what ever guys like.
So CLEARLY he was into her.
I mean for me and my seating neighbor it was clear to see that every 3 seconds he turned to her, which looked very odd. I don't think she cared but you know didn't mind either, who would?
So any how day 2 we are in the elevator together again, he goes to sit on the other side of the room but still looks over (but I didn't realize it so strongly).
Day 3, so today, as I come into he building, already relatively late but the course hadn't started. the first person I see on the hallway was.. yes the guy. We all sit as before. But some how from the corner of my eye I could see him twitching, turning into my direction. And for a brief moment again I felt, maybe.. maybe you know. I mean maybe fate exists. I mean we met 3 times. I mean.. I don't know.
I guess I wanted it to be true but it wasn't clearly. Because he was still looking at her.
So apart form German math what have I learned.  Yes the good looking guys still go for the good looking girls. I should really get out of my fairytale life. But what can I do if I only feel attracted to those!! kljaklsfj Body the fuck? Why?


Tuesday 12 February 2013


SO I just want to say.. as ever so regularly I should be revising for my english ORAL....However I keep getting stuck on the stupid internet!
I have decided that I desperately want a guy!!
But not so desperatly that I would just take anyone
I want to feel excited about seeing him
hearing his voice
getting messages from him
I want to fall in love with his smile his arms
His smell
I want to be held
I want to be in love

On the other hand this only encourages my fantasies.... can I please Have Finn Harries?!?!

okay bye


Shakespeare here I come

Saturday 12 January 2013


You know i think Life isnt about school , but then again what life do i have to spend it on anyway?

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Saturday 5 January 2013


I think Tarantino is the kind of person I could not talk to. In fact a lot of directors are..... To be continued
